Laser cutter Neje Master 2S Plus (2021/12 ~ continuing)
It's been 9 years I wanted to build a laser cutter at home, but at that time there was no good power laser diode available. (Co2 is scary to use at home) Now we can purchase 40W (input) and 10W output laser diode. Work area Air assist One of my friends 3D-printed a parts for air assist. I mporting DXF file from AutoCAD with correct size The DXF file exported from AutoCAD doesn't have UNIT information, so UNIT needs to be specified on setup screen. (either metric or imperial) Selecting SHX font on Lightburn To improve speed for burning text , it's better to use single line font. Here is how to setup Lightburn to use SHX fonts. (refer to AutoCAD font directory) SHXフォントとは、とは中心線だけで描かれたシンプルな一本線フォントのことで、ストロークフォントやラインフォントなどとも呼ばれます。主にCADソフトなどで使われているフォントの種類です。 SHX font (aehalf.shx) TrueType font (Ariel) Power setting 【エアーアシストAF6】取り付け レンズを2.5mm隙間を空けるまで緩める Oリングを取り付け 【...