BG P-51D Mustang balsa kit building log (2022/1 ~ continuing)
I have purchased this P51-D Mustang balsa kit from Banggood a few years ago, and it arrived in a SMASHED box and some parts were damaged. There is NO plan as well as building instruction, but finally I received a hundreds of pictures that have only a few numbering.
This smashed box was sitting in my room for long time, so I have opened the box and examined parts, and wrote parts numbers on. Some parts are not numbered, as well as not mentioned in the pictures. So guessing and guessing...
Laser cutting looks good.
Anyway I have started building the motor mount. Even though this simple parts are not mention in the pictures.
K3/K4 are not mentioned in this pix, and K3.K4 are angled for right thrust, but difficult to see.
No plan, so difficult to fit ribs
Wings have the mount for retracts, not for bent wire.