2023.12.04追記 Arduino IDE 2.2.1使用。 ①32U4のドライバーをインストールする。 Arduino_Boards-masterのsigned_driver ② 追加のボードマネージャの URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sparkfun/Arduino_Boards/master/IDE_Board_Manager/package_sparkfun_index.json ③ボードマネージャで「 SparkFun AVR Boards」 を探してインストール ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i2cのピンが異なる。 For i2C connections to Sparkfun Pro Micro or Arduino Micro, physical wiring is as follows: SDA connects to Arduino Micro pin Labeled 2 (not A2) SCL connects to Arduino Micro, pin Labeled 3 (not A3) GND connects to GND POWER: i2C devices usually require power. Pins may be labeled VCC, 5V or 3V. (*** BE CAREFUL HERE ***) This may be connected to Arduino Micro under the following conditions. 1) The i2C device consumes less current (ma) ,at all times, than your Arduino can provide. 2a) The i2C device consumes the same voltage that your Arduino provides. 2b) The i2C device consumes the less voltage that your Arduino provides, but has an added regulator that lowers the voltage to the co...